Unova Stone in Pokemon Go: Evolution Guide

In Pokemon Go, trainers can harness the power of the Unova Stone to evolve certain Pokemon into more formidable forms. This mysterious and sought-after item unlocks new evolutions, but obtaining it can be a challenge. In this article, we will explore how to get a Unova Stone, the number of Pokemon that can be evolved using it, the specific Pokemon eligible for evolution, and the additional requirements to evolve Pokemon with a Sinnoh Stone. Additionally, we’ll reveal the best Pokemon you can evolve using the Unova Stone. Let’s dive in!

How to Get a Unova Stone: To acquire a Unova Stone in Pokemon Go, trainers have several options. The most common methods include:

  1. Research Breakthroughs: Completing weekly Field Research tasks can reward trainers with a chance to receive a Unova Stone as a special item.
  2. PvP Battles: Engaging in Trainer Battles and winning against other players can sometimes grant a Unova Stone as a reward.
  3. Special Events: Keep an eye on special in-game events, as Niantic occasionally offers Unova Stones as rewards for participating in limited-time events.
  4. Community Days: Participating in Community Day events might present an opportunity to earn a Unova Stone, so mark your calendars!

What Pokemon Can You Evolve with a Unova Stone:

The Unova Stone facilitates the evolution of specific Pokemon originating from the Unova region. As of the latest update, trainers can evolve five different Pokemon using this evolutionary item.

Which Pokemon Can You Evolve with a Unova Stone: The Unova Stone unlocks the evolution of the following Pokemon:

  1. Lampent: Evolves from Litwick and further evolves into Chandelure, a potent Ghost/Fire-type Pokemon with formidable offensive capabilities.
  2. Pansear: Evolves into Simisear, a Fire-type Pokemon with a unique appearance and strong Fire-type moves in its arsenal.
  3. Panpour: Evolves into Simipour, a Water-type Pokemon boasting a diverse set of Water-type moves, perfect for battles against Fire and Rock-type opponents.
  4. Pansage: Evolves into Simisage, a Grass-type Pokemon known for its swift moves and ability to counter Water and Rock-type Pokemon effectively.
  5. Munna: Evolves into Musharna, a Psychic-type Pokemon with strong Psychic attacks and impressive bulk in battles.

Requirements to Evolve a Pokemon with a Sinnoh Stone: In contrast to the Unova Stone, the Sinnoh Stone facilitates the evolution of Pokemon from the Sinnoh region. To evolve certain Pokemon using a Sinnoh Stone, trainers need to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Have enough Candy: Ensure you have enough Candy for the specific Pokemon you wish to evolve.
  2. Gather Sinnoh Stones: Acquire the required number of Sinnoh Stones to carry out the evolutions.

Best Pokemon to Evolve with a Unova Stone

While all Pokemon eligible for Unova Stone evolution have their strengths, one standout Pokemon is Chandelure. This Ghost/Fire-type Pokemon boasts an impressive array of moves, including powerful Ghost and Fire-type attacks. Chandelure excels in both PvE and PvP battles, making it a top choice for trainers looking to bolster their team.

Mastering Pokemon evolution in Pokemon Go requires obtaining the elusive Unova Stone and understanding its potential. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can acquire the Unova Stone, evolve your chosen Pokemon, and add powerful creatures like Chandelure to your roster. Get ready to embrace the journey of discovery and challenge that comes with evolving Pokemon using the Unova Stone!